I will make you a custom leather sling for a gun with swivels
- Austin Brown leather
- Name: "SERENITY" cut out with a layer of turquoise leather behind it instead of the black, as shown in the photo.
- We will use the State of Texas stamp at the top of the sling, similar to the one in the photo.
- Under the name, we will use the nursing emblem stamp, the same as before.
- Brown thread
- You DO NOT want the "22-250" on this sling; instead, put the Celtic Cross in its place.
- Just under the cross, we will put the scripture stamp Romans 10:9.
- Antique brass Chicago Screws x 3.
- The sling will be hand-tooled, similar to the sling shown in the photo.
- The sling will be the length of our thumb-hole sling, but with no thumb-hole to allow for the extra tooling, you requested last time.
We will get this made and in the mail in about 3 to 4 weeks.
Will ship via USPS Ground advantage mail for free.